Intervista con Bernard del 93

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Miss Codling
view post Posted on 13/1/2011, 01:16

Where are you and what are the vibes like?

Recording studio. The vibes are elpeevish.

What was the last thing you ate?

A satsuma.

What will be the next video you rent?

A very funny, sexy one involving lots of fun and sex.

Who makes you angery?

Most journalists. Lazy people. Untidy people. Rude people. Most musicians. Conceited tortured artlists. Impatient people. Clever people. People who moan in queues. Opportunist former associates. Yes, most people.

What was the first record you ever heard?

'Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Old Oak Tree'. Who's it by? (Tony Orlando and Dawn - Clever Ed)

What were you good at school?

Passing time imagining music in my head. Little else.

Key films in your life?

Allie, It's A Wonderful Life, Rear Window.

Fave punk rock records?

Teenage Kicks - The Undertones; New Dawn Fades - Joy Division (is that punk?)

Fave in door games?

Music and love.

Worst lyric you've ever heard?

"Bang goes another day/Where it went I cannot say" - Blur. Who cares?

"She's the girl with the most and she lives on the coast" - T-Rex. Terribly great.

Who's sexy?

My girlie.

What did you have for Christmas dinner?


What were your new year resolutions?

Speak less. Be less courteous to people who are nasty to me.

Name a record that can make you cry?

Wild Horses - The Stones

What was the last dream you can remember?

Me and Brett in a doctor's surgery being analysed by former teachers.

When were you last drunk?

Last Saturday. With Simon, naturally.

What's your favorite record in the charts?

Man On The Moon - REM

What can you cook?


What was the last great record you heard?

Creep - Radiohead

Showgril - The Auteurs

Current catchphrases?

Ohh, me lumbago.

Fave comedians?

Simon Gilbert.

Are Suede as good as everyone reckons?


What do you dislike most about your appearance?


What do you find depressing?

Watching TV. The Hit Parade. Homelessness in London.

Who are the second best group in Britain?


Can you quote a line of poetry?

"When Lil's husband got demobbed, I said" - The Wasteland, T S Elilot.

Fave places in England?


Who's overrated?


Fave thinkers?

My girlfriend.

Fave painters?

I don't like all that art caper.

Any thoughts on the new age travellers?

Not really.

What's the strangest thing anyone has sent you?

A furry mouse to be worn at the end of the finger.

What causes would you support with your music?

The cause against loneliness.

Worst job ever?

Rebuilding our rehearsal rooms to pay off our debts.

What items would you save in a house fire?

Guitars, socks.

What was a Suede's lowspot?

Playing to two dancing professors at a Cambridge ball. Freezing to death playing the Camden Falcon to two more people.

What do you always carry?

Plectrums, keys.

Which newspapers do you read?


Describe Madonna in three words?

Artless, sexless, useless.

How do you relax?

Listening to music. Tidying up.

What could make you happier?

Universal joy.

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