Brett su Morrissey

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Miss Codling
view post Posted on 3/3/2011, 04:13

Nell'ultimo numero dell'NME

The originality of the words, the message, the whole package…What made Morrissey really interesting was that he inverted all of the traditional concepts of what it was to be a rock star and all of the clichés of the ‘60s and ‘70s: that you had to be a turbo-charged, sexy winner. He made it possible that you could be sexually inadequate loser. And he championed qualities such as depression and illness, all of those things that were so far away from what a rock star was supposed to be. That was the cleverest thing he did, that inversion that no-one had even though of before. And he actually managed to carry it off with style. For a while there he was completely intouchable.

I think what I’ve taken from him is definitely the whole question of being able to portray weakness. Without him I wouldn’t have been confortable portraying or flaunting those things, accepting the fact that I’m the kind of person I am. Flaunting my flaws, almost. What sums him up for me are some of the Top Of The Pops performances. They’re what stick in my head. Air-machine-gunning the audience on How Soon Is Now, this bizarre kind of thing where he’s killing his own audience. And the whole image of him with the hearing aid. That’s how I remember him at his peak. He completely stood out from the crowd.”

Morrissey by Brett Anderson



Grazie a Bia
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